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  • Joe Norton

Who Is A God Like You? (9/13/2020)

“Who is a God like You,

Pardoning iniquity

And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?

Because He delights in mercy” (Micah 7:18).

In this closing section of the book of Micah, the prophet poses a significant question to God. He is amazed that God can ultimately forgive the iniquities of His people in view of their extreme rebellion against His will.

In this book, the prophet alternates between enumerating the sins and moral corruption of God’s people and then telling them blessings are coming. He tells them of their impending punishment in captivity and then encourages them with the promise of restoration.

And now the prophet asks God, “How can You do such a thing?” How can You pardon iniquity and pass over the trespasses of such a rebellious, ungrateful people? Then, he answers his own question: “He delights in mercy!”

If we are honest, we cannot keep from asking ourselves the same question. In view of the attitudes we sometimes have and the mistakes we sometimes make, how can God pardon us? The answer: Because He really cares about us and desires that we bring ourselves under His mercy by submitting to His will. Our God, indeed, is an awesome God.


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