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Victory in Jesus (1/29/2023)

Joe Norton

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

This verse is about Victory—spiritual victory that we can have if we maintain the kind of tight relationship with Jesus Christ the Apostle Paul has been describing in this section of scripture.

Having just listed some of the difficulties we may experience as human beings, Paul interrupts and makes this powerful and dramatic statement about Victory. Those who are faithful are not just conquerors—they are “more than conquerors,” Paul says in describing our ongoing battle with Satan.

The key to this Victory is not allowing anything—any of the kinds of problems he mentions here—to separate us from the love of Christ nor the love of God. That separation could come only as a result of our failing to obey the instructions provided in the inspired word.

The goal of every sincere Christian, then, is to come to the end of life with the assurance of Victory in our hearts as we view judgment day and eternity.


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