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Spiritual Discerners (10/29/2023)

Joe Norton

A study of 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” (1 Corinthians 02:06).

Paul has just declared in the two previous verses that the source of his preaching is not based on the wisdom of men but on the “power of God,” meaning he teaches the wisdom of God as he is directed by the Holy Spirit.

Here, he takes the point a step forward by amplifying his meaning. The key to this passage is defining the terms. Who are the mature? They are those who have advanced beyond their beginning days as a Christian—they have matured to the point that they can tell the difference between teaching that comes from other men and teaching that comes from God.

The “wisdom of this age” refers to the thinking of men of the world. “Rulers of this age” are the learned and influential men of their day who rely upon their own intellectual abilities instead of upon teaching that which comes from God. Their wisdom will vanish away.

The apostle emphasizes, for followers of Christ in every age, the necessity of heeding the teachings that have been handed down to us by divine inspiration rather than accepting any creative idea that comes along disguised in the cloak of “a good idea” when that idea is not based on the New Testament scriptures.




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