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Seeking Things Above (12/3/2023)

Joe Norton

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).

As the Apostle Paul begins this second section of the letter to the Colossian church, he shifts his emphasis from the doctrine of the church to some practical aspects of living the Christian life.

The sentence is better understood if we substitute the word “Since” for the word “If.” Paul knows they have been raised with Christ in baptism. Since they are Christians, their lives should reflect a transformation: from seeking the pleasures of this world as they are accustomed to doing to seeking things above because that is where God is with Jesus at His right hand.

This admonition is not restricted to the Colossian church nor to any particular period of time. When we obey Christ in baptism, we are to change our priorities and seek to live a life that is spiritually centered instead of one that is centered on materialism and worldly pleasures.


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