“For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:10).
Paul has established in verse eight that godly exercise is more profitable than physical exercise because it leads to the desired “end,” that is, eternal life. That is the same “end” to which he refers here. Because of that belief, he and Timothy work and even suffer at the hands of others for their faith.
In spite of the sacrifices they have made, they know that trusting in the living God will reap an abundant eternal reward. This same reward is available for all who remain a believer. And Paul must be referring to active, not passive, believers for him to be consistent with messages he wrote to all the churches at that time.
What Paul sets before us, then, is that active living for Christ is the only life that will lead us to the desired “end.” If it would work for Paul and Timothy, it will work for us. Let us allow Paul’s description in this passage to stimulate us to maintain an active spiritual life that will lead us to heaven.