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Joe Norton

A Promise and a Hope (12/22/2024)

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And peoples shall flow to it” (Micah 4:1).


Micah begins this section of his prophecy with a promise of hope in contrast to the prediction of doom found in the preceding verses: having described the destruction of the former kingdom with Jerusalem at its center, he now predicts the elevation and success of the new kingdom.


Designating that the time of the new kingdom is in the latter days—the days of the last kingdom before judgment—Micah uses a distinct metaphor of the mountain in referring to the establishment of the Lord’s church.


That this metaphoric mountain will be established on the top of the mountain and “shall be exalted above the hills” confirms the elevated position it will occupy in this last age of time.


In contrast to the former kingdom for the Jews only, this new kingdom shall see people of all nations being welcomed into it. And Micah goes on to predict that those welcomed shall learn the ways of God and shall walk therein. These are the days in which we are living—may we take seriously the prophecy and conform out lives to God’s word so that we may realize the fulfillment of the hope presented.


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