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Be an Example in Purity (8/4/2024)

Joe Norton

Sixth in a series of studies of Paul’s instruction to Timothy


“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).


How foolish and futile it would be for this young preacher Timothy to teach others to abstain from immoral behavior and engage in it himself. His positive influence over others would be destroyed.


“Purity” means “freedom from immorality.” Immorality is usually associated with sinful sexual behavior, but its meaning can also include any act that does not adhere to moral standards—in the context of Christianity, moral standards are those taught in the scriptures. The list of unacceptable practices includes fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lying, stealing, ill treatment of others.


Immorality is condemned in both the Old and the New Testaments. The people of old who violated God’s standard for morality were not only condemned, but many of them were struck dead immediately. While that action is not a part of the way God operates under the New Testament, many scriptures teach that all who live immorally will be condemned eternally.


So, to please God and go to heaven, we must practice purity as it is taught in the scriptures in every aspect of our lives.


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